Inspired by Marcus Aurelius, I have been trying to keep a personal journal for past 25 years.
The effort include handwritten (on loose paper, single line books, drawing pads, post it notes), digital (on words, excel, forms, calendar) and voice (apple watch and phone) but the habit did not stick.
Then, the varying of the type of writing started to keep the interest going.
The entry transpired from what happened in my daily life (calendar entry), to reflection on my day (daily learnings), to review (on the books, article, podcast that I have encountered) and it starts feel too varied and unfocused.
The effort then went towards the form of writing. Form include writing in short sentences, writing in point form, writing in poetic manner, writing in quotes which make the process a bit more tolerable.
Then, the final experiment push is putting everything online. Publicly writing for the past 2 years helped me realised that I needed different writing style, different topics, different channel for different thoughts.
I then experimented with more platforms and format (facebook, twitter, blogs) but nothing feels right.
The difference with a personal and a public one is that I can write whatever shit in my personal diary (since I am the only reader) while a public requires a targetted writing and targeted audience (thou I could have perfectly ignored my audience).
I realised that I needed multiple platforms to make things work. All these creative outlets should bring radical honesty1 to my daily work.
The "new" product delivered through Telegram known as Weighted New.
This would be business news from all over the world which had caught my eye. Most companies here are companies which have been going through some corporate situation which may lead to a special situation.
Some of the news recently which I have covered
For people who are not interested to get on telegram, you could also choose to subscribe to these news by going to the manage subscription button on the right hand corner of the Substack app/website and tick on the Business News. If you do that, be prepared to receive lots of email which you may not be interested in.
Or alternatively wait for my monthly email detailing all the possible interesting corporate situations around the world.
The other "product line" would be my own musing. These are random thoughts that pops into my mind. If you happen to enjoy the articles where the writer muse about their life, I welcome you into my inner circle of thoughts at
My journalling process is now more varied and hopefully this would push me to continue this journal habit for a very long time.
No longer radical transparency as that seems to be outward focus, I am looking for radical honesty to account to myself.